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Factors Affecting the Students’ Academic Achievement and Study Habits of Isabela State University-Jones Campus in the History of Biological Theories

Isabela State University-Jones Campus
Barangay 1, Jones, Isabela, Philippines



History in biological concepts does not end. It develops intermittently that brings forth new ideas and continually throws fresh light on the past. This research work is addressed in this analysis using statistical models. Essentially, the normative-descriptive method was used with 40 students enrolled in Biology subjects at Isabela State University-Jones Campus who served as respondents of the study. More so, factorial multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), using Pillai’s trace (V) statistic was also used. For each covariate, homogeneity of regression slopes was assessed against the fixed factors using a univariate model.  Likewise, discriminant function analysis (DFA) was used and Wilks’ lambda (Λ) was used to assess the significance of these functions and canonical R2 to assess the relative importance of each. Results revealed that there was no significant effect of profile variables; study habits and academic achievement cannot be used to make significant differentiations on levels of the respondents’ parents’ monthly income, and this cannot be used to make significant predictions on respondents’ biological sex.  It is recommended for future researchers to increase the number of participants to intensify the power of the three procedures. For the factorial MANCOVA, it is good to reduce the number of profile variables and include only those that are theoretically relevant to academic achievement and study habits.

Keywords: Education, Academic Achievement, Study Habits, Biology, History, 21st century, Respondents, correlation coefficient

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