For paper submission, the research article must be an original copy, about 3,000-5,000 words, single-spaced, and with tables and figures. The research abstract must have 200-300 words with at least four (4) keywords or phrases.
The paper should be written and presented only in English. The paper should demonstrate the following parts:
- HEADING ( Title, Name of the Author(s), ORCID No., Email Address, Affiliation, Address )
- MATERIALS AND METHODS (for experimental researches)
- METHODOLOGY (for non-experimental researches)
- AUTHOR(s) PROFILE ( about 50 – 100 words)
- Type the entire manuscript single
spaced on a short white bond paper (8.5×11”) with 0.8” margin in the left and right side, 0.9 from the top and 0.6 at the bottom” using Arial font type of 11. - Leave one space before and after the
significant headings as well as one space
before and after the sub-headings. - Spell out acronyms or unfamiliar
abbreviations when these are mentioned
for the first time in the text. - Write the scientific names of species
completely with the author (s) when it is first mentioned in the text and without the author in succeeding references. Scientific
names should be written in italics.Title Page
The title page should contain title of the paper that should be specific and informative in boldface. Title, uppercase ( font size, 14), name of the authors; ( first name, middle initial, and surname), ORCID No. ( visit to, email address, affiliation, and address is in normal case ( font size, 11).
ORCID (ORCID, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID ) provides a unique and persistent digital identifier that distinguishes researchers from every other researcher, even those who share the same name, and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities, ensuring that their work is recognized.IIMRJ encourage all authors and co-authors to link their ORCIDs to their accounts. The ORCID ID is published with your article so that fellow researchers reading your work can link to your ORCID profile and from there link to your other publications.
Table Title
Titles of tables are written above while the title of figures and plates are written below the images.Abstract
The abstract should be brief, informative and completely self-explanatory with salient points and important conclusion. The abstract should be in 200 to 300 words without references.Keywords
Authors must give 4 to 5 keywords which can identify the most important subject covered by the article. (Discipline of the study, Concepts studied, Methods/process, and Geography (country/continent) The title page should contain title of the paper that should be specific and informative in boldface, title, upper case (font size 14), names of the authors, ORCID No. ( visit, e-mail address, affiliation, and address is in normal face (font size 11).
The primary goal of the introductory
paragraph is to catch the attention of the
readers and to get them turned on about
the subject. The introduction should
- Global, national, and local situational analysis of the problem supported by the literature from a different continent.
- The gap in the literature from the literature reviews that the study intends to find.
- Differentness of the study from other previous studies.
- Compelling reasons of the writer for choosing the problem.
- Includes legal bases such as relevant pronouncement from authorities, memoranda, orders, laws, and guidelines.
All pages, including tables, appendices and references should be serially numbered.Numbers
Spell out numbers from one to ten…, except when used in tables and lists, and when used with mathematical, statistical, scientific, or technical units and quantities, such as distances, weights, and measures. percentage and decimal fractionsIt consists of the researcher’s own position in a problem after his exposure to various theories that have to bear on the problem
Objectives of the Study
Research objectives describe what your research project intends to accomplish.
Research Methodology
The methodology section describes the basic research plan. It consists of the following parts:
1. research design
2. respondents/subjects of the study
3. data gathering procedure
4. statistical treatment of data.
Results and Discussion
This is the heart of the research study. In this section where the obtain data for sub-problems/ specific problems are presented, analyzed and interpreted. The data can be presented through the use of tables, text, graphs, and figures.
These are generalized statements in answer to the subproblems/ specific problem raised, or the statement of the acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis. The conclusion is a valid outgrowth of findings.
These are drawn from the findings and conclusions of the study. They must be feasible to be implemented, workable or doable, adaptable, and flexible.
Acknowledgment (Optional)
References, Acknowledgments, plates, and legends should also be typed single-spaced. Number consecutively all pages.
The reference list should be in alphabetical order in the last names of the first author. Reference should be selective and current basics. Use American Psychological Association (APA) style with hanging indention of 0.3. There should be the majority of which should come from printed and online journals. (see the download button for APA style sample).
AUTHOR(S) PROFILE (about 50 – 100 words)
Send these documents to / or
All submissions must be in (.doc) format.