Acceptability and Marketability of Malunggay, Ampalaya and Okra Seeds Powder as A Coffee Substitute
Mary Ann M. Carag, MAT, LPT
School District of Quezon City
Flora A. Ylagan High School
Malaks St. Brgy. Pinyahan Quezon City, Philippines
Coffee is known as a beverage to most people all over the world and is best known for making the drinker active, because of its stimulating effect on the functions of the brain. But drinking coffee also affects human health. Coffee acts as a stimulant through its caffeine. Variants of coffee flavors all over the world were already produced, aiming for the discovery of alternative sources for coffee production. With this premise, the present study attempted to determine the acceptability and marketability of malunggay, ampalaya, and okra seeds powder as a coffee substitute. This study also aimed to find a healthier and cheaper alternative to commercial coffee with less caffeine. The experimental research method was used in this study. The respondents of this study were adults (20-30), (31-40), and 41 years old and above. The study focused only on the acceptability and marketability of making coffee out of powdered malunggay, ampalaya, and okra seeds as coffee substitutes for the main ingredients. Three different proportions 20, grams, 40 grams, and 60 grams were prepared with different seed concentrations where 75% malunggay seed, 20% ampalaya seed, and 5% okra seed were proportioned. Survey questionnaires were administered to the 90 respondents of Batasan Hills National High School and Brgy. Batasan Hills. The five-point Likert scale and nine-point Hedonic scale were used to determine the acceptability of the product. Results further showed that there was no significant difference in the evaluation of the three groups of respondents on the acceptability and marketability of malunggay, ampalaya, and okra seed powder as a coffee substitute in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture. Likewise, there was no significant difference in the evaluation of the three groups of respondents on the acceptability and marketability of coffee with 20 grams, 40 grams, and 60 grams for each proportion of powdered malunggay, ampalaya, and okra seed as a coffee substitute in terms of supply/availability, consumer demand and cost of production. The MAAOKRA Coffee with 40 grams proportion was the most acceptable proportion in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture compared to the 20 grams and 60 grams proportion. The MAAOKRA Coffee with 40 grams has a higher potential in the market in terms of supply and availability compared to the 20 grams and 60 grams proportion. Furthermore, the 40 grams proportion is more affordable and more nutritious. In terms of physicochemical analysis, the 40 grams proportion is more packed with calcium and potassium.
Keywords: Acceptability, Marketability, Maaokra Coffee, Less Caffeine, Experimental