Automated Prototype Arduino-based Mini-Greenhouse for Agricultural Sustainability
Reb Q. Emnacin1, Jon Hubbie E. Layno2, Emerson Y. Domingo3,
Edilyn A. Tomas4
xdrebisco2020@gmail.com1, laynojonhubbie@gmail.com2, emersondomingo26@gmail.com3,
STEM Students, Quirino General High School, Department of Education
Schools Division Office-Quirino, Philippines1-4
The utilization of automated systems, controlled by the Arduino UNO microcontroller, can facilitate the efficient growth of plants in a compact greenhouse. The enclosed greenhouse structure helps in plant propagation as it optimizes the surrounding environment while it gathers sensory data. The greenhouse is structured with the corresponding sensors for specific abiotic factors mainly, the DHT11 for temperature and humidity, and The soil moisture sensor. This data from the greenhouse environment will then be processed by the system which utilizes a submersible water pump and irrigation systems, LED lights, and sensors for humidity, temperature, and moisture. The Arduino UNO controls the water resources competently as the major microcontroller, while sensors provide accurate data for managing the greenhouse environment. With automation features like the irrigation system and soil moisture sensor, water conservation, and proficiency are improved. LED light delivers reliable light sources, which promote optimal plant growth. Accurate data collection is ensured by proper sensor placement and protection. Remote monitoring and control via IoT platforms are much more practical and convenient than manually overseeing the plant environment. The Arduino UNO- Based system offers significant advantages, including decreased manual labor, cost-effectiveness, and advancements in agricultural practices to combat the damages brought by climate change to agriculture and meet the demands of a growing world population. Thus, continuous development to the prototype is necessary for the sustainability of both the agriculture and the automated greenhouse as this will further assist in the application of growing advancing technologies of the generation for agricultural development and plant care.
Keywords: Automated greenhouse, Arduino UNO, programming, automation, prototype, sensors, agriculture, sustainability