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Exploring The ICT-Related Requisites of Seasoned Junior High School Science Teachers in Candaba-San Luis, Philippines

Nepthalie SJ. Gonzales
Bahay Pare National High School, Candaba, Pampanga, Philippines





Integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into Science Education improves teachers’ and students’ understanding of the nature of science. The ICT proficiency of seasoned teachers is critical for augmenting Science concepts and providing seamless opportunities for both teachers and students. The goal of this study is to determine the required level of ICT proficiency for Junior High School Science (JHS) teachers who teach Science subjects. This study collected data quantitatively, particularly, a descriptive method was used to describe the extent of ICT-related requisites of seventy (70) seasoned junior high school science teachers in nineteen (19) schools in Cluster V, Candaba-San Luis, in the Schools Division of Pampanga, Philippines. The level of teachers’ use of ICT in their teaching-learning process was determined using a modified survey questionnaire. The analysis revealed that, on average, JHS Science teachers lacked proficiency with technology and had difficulty integrating it into their teaching-learning practices. Given the findings, it is recommended that training/seminars on ICT use in teaching-learning practice to be conducted. More so, teachers are encouraged to incorporate technology into daily instruction and LCDs/laptops may be purchased to assist teachers in delivering quality education.

Keywords: Information and Communications Technology, ICT integration, seasoned teachers, science teaching

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