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Involvement and Communicative Competence of Grade 12 Recognized Student Organization Officers

Jaycel Anne B. Panday1, Jeffrey D. Amparado2, Francese Therese Ruah A. Ramirez3
National University Laguna1 Malayan Colleges Laguna2 Joy in Learning, School, Inc.





The study aimed to describe the senior high school student officers’ level of involvement in their respective organizations and further investigate its existing relationship with their communicative competence by employing a descriptive correlational design. Using frequency count, percentage, mean, and Pearson r for statistical analysis of data, results revealed that most of the student leaders were actively involved with one recognized student organizations, devoted more than an hour in a week in their respective organizational activities regardless of its nature and occupied higher positions in the organization. Student leaders have communicative competence terms of verbal skills, non-verbal skills, organization, and subject knowledge and an existing significant relationship between their position in the organization and their communicative competence were found. In conclusion, student leaders who actively participate and occupy higher positions with different recognized student organization have bigger opportunity to attain communicative competence as they are exposed to different tasks and assignments that requires reading, writing, speaking, and understanding of the subject matter. Hence, it is recommended that parents, administrators, faculty members, organization moderators, and other stakeholders to support the active participation of learners in different student organization and design organizational activities that focus on the development of communication skills and competence. Moreover, future research employing a qualitative study design focusing on involvement and communicative competence may also be considered.

Keywords: Student Involvement, Communicative Competence, Recognized Student Organization

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