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Level of Compliance with the Brigada Eskwela Implementation to DO No. 66 S. 2018 in Selected Public Junior High Schools in Laguna: Basis for an Action Plan

Gina M. Requina
Department of Education – Schools Division Santa Rosa City
Southville IV National High School, Philippines





In May 2003, the Department of Education launched National Schools Maintenance Week (DepEd Memorandum 79, s. 2003) to promote the Adopt-A-School Program. Every third week of May, teachers, parents, and community members gathered to repair and prepare public schools for the start of classes. In the spirit of “bayanihan”, private institutions or individuals joined forces with local governments to achieve the DepEd Memorandum’s goals and objectives. Brigada Eskwela (BE) is the DepEd’s response to the problem of inadequate school maintenance and ensures school preparedness and competency before classes begin. Since it is difficult to involve stakeholders including parents, the private sector, community organizations, and non-governmental organizations, not all schools participate in this endeavor Thus, this study analyzed the level of compliance of the BE implementation guidelines matrix among the Junior High school focal persons in selected schools in Laguna province. It involved 200 respondents and utilized a researcher-made questionnaire for this descriptive study. Frequency, weighted mean, and t-test were employed to determine the level of each BE dimension and significant differences in the demographic profile of the respondents. Results revealed that the responders’ compliance with BE is inferred as Complied, with no significant differences in its dimensions. Conferring to the outcomes of the surveys, the bulk of BE Focal Persons were trainees; a minimum amount of service as a BE Focal Person is suggested. In conclusion, it has statistically significant positive correlations with DepEd Memorandum No.24 S.2008 so a plan to close the gap was recommended.

Keywords: Brigada Eskwela, Adopt a School, Bayanihan, Volunteerism

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