Management of Learning Resources Materials, Technology Utilization, and Teachers’ Competence in Selected Public Schools
Dr. Rowena S. Navidad
Master Teacher Quality Circle, Caloocan City, Philippines
The government is drawing up blueprints for the provision of quality education through its adoption of the K-12 curriculum. This transformation of the education system creates entirely new demand for producing the kind of talent its economy needs to sustain growth and development. Master teachers and school heads must be able to utilize technology inside the classroom and be competitive enough and able to manage the resource materials under Learning Resource Management Development System. This study aimed to assess the status of learning resource materials utilization, level of management of learning resources, technology utilization, and teachers’ competence. The study utilized a descriptive, inferential quantitative method and a survey questionnaire. The data gathered were interpreted using the weighted mean and Z- test. The salient findings of the study showed that both the master teacher and the school head, Strongly Agree on the status of resource materials utilization. Results revealed that the hypothesis on the significant difference in the status of learning resource materials utilization was accepted; hence, it was not significant. The hypothesis about the test of difference on the level of management of resource materials was rejected; therefore, it was significant. To establish the difference in the assessment on the level of technology utilization, the hypothesis was rejected; therefore, it was significant. On the level of the master teacher’s competence based on their Performance Commitment and Review Form, it purported that respondents assessed it as Excellent. The test of difference on master teachers’ competence based on IPCRF revealed that it was significant; thus hypothesis was rejected. The findings were the basis for a proposed plan for Teachers’ Capacity Training Program on Technology Utilization. It was of great help in designing a technology utilization plan that could increase teachers’ competence in the full realization of the Department of Education goals and objectives.
Keywords: Learning Resources, Technology Utilization, Teachers Competence, Descriptive Method, Public Schools, Philippines