Modified Learning Management System: Making A Difference In E-Learning This New Normal
Dr. Louie F. Agustin
Santa Rosa City, Laguna Philippines 4026
The Learning Management System (LMS) is a type of web-based software that is hosted on a server and is used to handle students’ information, program enrollment, course content, and evaluation tools. The primary goal of this study was to ascertain the efficacy of learning management systems in affecting change in this new normal school context. The research study engaged 38 students from various courses who were enrolled in the Citi Global College’s Weekend Education Program. A descriptive research design was adopted in this study. Descriptive research is one in which the range of one or more variables is described without respect for any causal or other assumption. The frequency (f) and percentage (%) relevant factors were used to determine the respondents’ demographic profile in terms of age, sex, course, year level, available internet connection, and gadget use at home; whereas the weighted Mean (WM), ttest, and f-test variables were used to analyze the gathered data regarding the level of effectiveness on the quality characteristics of the learning management system and to determine if there were significant differences in respondents’ assessments. The study’s findings indicate that respondents were all working students; the majority of them use mobile data as their available internet subscription; and that there was no significant difference in the level of effectiveness of LMS’s quality characteristics when respondents were grouped according to their demographic profile. The study recommended that instructors allow students sufficient time to process their output at the LMS because they were working students; prepare video tutorials to familiarize students with the LMS platform; use a good or faster internet connection of at least 4 Mbps and at least Android Marshmallow or iOS 8 on their mobile devices; and that the Learning Management System may be proposed for use by other neighboring schools.
Keywords: Learning Management System, e-Learning, Synchronous, Asynchronous