Other Self-Efficacy in Teaching of Out-of-Field English Teachers: A Parallel Convergent Approach
Kristy Jane R. Muegna
Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology
Kapalong, Philippines
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54476/ioer-imrj/271709
The purpose of this study is to highlight the experiences and challenges of out-of-field teachers within the Municipality of Kapalong and identify their teaching efficacy. The study employed a mixed method in a convergent parallel design. In the quantitative phase, an adopted survey questionnaire was used. Different statistical tools were used such as Mean; Standard Deviation and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results revealed that the status of self-efficacy of those teachers was high. The result of the significant difference in the level of self-efficacy in terms of years in service and subject-handled revealed that the number of years in service had no significant difference in terms of the self-efficacy of the out-of-field teachers while on the subject-handled it shows that there is a significant difference in terms of their self-efficacy. In the qualitative phase, there were 7 participants in the in-depth interview and 10 participants in the focus group discussion. Five themes were extracted based on the responses of the participants: a physically and mentally demanding job, being professional and competent, innovating teaching strategies, personality and professional growth, and devotion and versatility. Also, in terms of the beliefs, attitudes, commitment, and aspirations of out-of-field English teachers, four themes were extracted which are: work with so much expectation, positive minded, resiliency, and productivity of students and teachers.
Keywords: English,Self-Efficacy, Out-of-Field Teachers, Parallel Convergent Mixed Method, Philippines