Police Operational Activities and Crime Commission in a City in the Philippines
John Dexter G. Sarcena1, Mark E. Patalinghug2
J.H. Cerilles State College-Dumingag Campus
Caridad, Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur, 7028, Philippines
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54476/iimrj270
Police organizations have conducted operational activities to reduce the opportunity for would-be criminals to commit crimes. This operational activity includes patrol, traffic management, and investigation. In this study, the extent of police operational activities in Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines, was evaluated to determine the extent of police operational activities and to test the association between the crime rate and the extent of police operation activities. This study utilized a quantitative descriptive research method. The respondents were 142 active police officers who were chosen purposively by employing total enumeration. The gathering of data was done using a self-made questionnaire, which underwent validation and reliability testing. The statistical tools used were frequency count, mean computation, percentage, and regression analysis. The results revealed that more respondents were 31- 35 years old and above. Most of them were male, bachelor’s degree holders, attended training and seminars for 50 hours, and served the police force for 15 years and below. Patrolling and investigation were found to be much observable while traffic management was observable. As for index crime, there were more crimes against the person committed than crimes against property. As for non-index crimes, there were more other non-index crimes compared to the violation of special laws. Patrolling has a positive influence on the commission and non-commission of both index and non-index crimes. This study also recommends intensive patrolling on hot-spot areas for criminal presence and activity, strengthening traffic management practices, procurement of traffic lights, improving traffic signs, and intensive implementation of traffic laws and regulations.
Keywords: Police Function, Operational Activities, Crime Prevention, Police Core Functions