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Role of Tertiary Institute in Community Extension Services: A Needs Analysis

Francisco Dc. Cos Jr., Ed. D.1, Reah C. Suniga2, Sally D. Jason3, Regina R. Nolasco4, Airene L. Rosales5, Alma A. Elemento6,,,,
franciscodccosjr@gmail.com1, reah76suniga@gmail.com2,, regina.nolasco28@gmail.com4, airene.rosales11@gmail.com5, amhielemento12@gmail.com6
Marikina Polytechnic College, Sta. Elena, Marikina City, Philippines



Extension services are one of the core functions of State Colleges and Universities in the Philippines. Marikina Polytechnic College (MPC), as one of the SUCs in the National Capital Region, is also required to conduct extension services. Programs to be offered to the partner community must be identified first before its execution. A needs analysis was conducted by MPC to identify what program could be delivered to the partner community utilizing the survey method of research. The source of data in the study was selected by the Barangay Captain of the partner community through snowball sampling (n=20) in which the majority came from 18-35 years old bracket, female, college graduates, and wage workers. It was revealed in the study that the main problem identified as perceived by the respondents is lack of income, for a personal problem, and lack of livelihood programs, for community problems. It was also revealed that the samples in this study wanted to focus the extension program on dressmaking. Therefore, the extension program that must be conducted must be a sustainable livelihood program for dressmaking. Upon identifying the needs of the partner community, budget allocation, material preparation, location of training, and availability of trainers must be taken into consideration.

Keywords: Extension Services; Marikina Polytechnic College; Needs Analysis; Survey Method

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