Strategic Responses on Combating Covid-19 Pandemic In Bhutan
Hemlal Bhattarai
Jigme Namgyel Engineering College, Royal University of Bhutan
COVID-19 which is a global public health emergency of current time has been creating big impact to the social and economy welfare across globe despite its far-reaching casualties since 2019. There are growing concern with surges in the cases, casualties, and economic recession because of this global pandemic. Times, efforts, and resources have been pumped to the actions including early detection, isolations, care, and vaccines or medicines against COVID-19.This study which is focused on Bhutan is a qualitative research that made use of authentic secondary data. It was established in the form of published records from government report, media, and website along with relevant literatures as the base reference resources. Small country Bhutan has its own story to tell. Its conditions and impacts as visible are not that alarming as expected by this deadly global pandemic. Bhutan has more of success story to share in case of its strategic approaches with holistic planning and effective implementations in its actions towards the control and combating COVID-19 which have proven to be successful. The favorable outcome from this study is a realistic goal can be fulfilled with collective plans and actions in times of needs.
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, strategic action, high risk, collective plans