Teaching Domain and Range of Rational Functions using Explicit Teaching: A Lesson Study
Ann Mary Lord R. Pantaleon1, Aimee T. Lumuntad2, Jena Alexis Siwa3, Jay Ann P. De Leon4, Deo James B. Roxas5
ann07.amlp@gmail.com1, aimeelumuntad716@gmail.com2, jenaalexis@gmail.com3, jayannpdeleon85@gmail.com4, roxas.djb@mpc.edu.ph5
MAT Student at Marikina Polytechnic College, Philippines1-5
Great Kids Study Center, San Roque, Marikina City, Philippines1
Academy of Christian Excellence Montessori, Inc., Cainta, Rizal, Philippines2
Guinayang National High School, San Mateo, Rizal, Philippines3
Malanday Elementary School, Malanday, Marikina City, Philippines4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54476/ioer-imrj/143637
The purpose of this study is to evaluate and assess the teaching strategy to teach the Domain and Range of Rational Functions. A lesson is developed to implement the strategy and is demonstrated. The participants of the Lesson Study are Mathematics Teachers that serve as the students for the demonstration. Exploratory research was used to investigate if the strategy will be effective for the students and to formulate suggestions for developing lessons. The results show that an explicit type of learning and collaborative approach makes the class discussion interactive when teaching domain and range of rational functions. However, the teacher should be mindful of giving enough time to review or recall motivation, and those who are struggling with using the application.
Keywords: Lesson Study, Domain and Range, Rational Functions, collaborative approach, explicit type