The Lived Experiences of Daycare Teachers: Their Implications to Learners’ Outcomes
Ronald M. Quileste1, Charity Rose A. Pagara2
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan
Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
Building a strong foundation: early childhood education is essential to pupils’ success. With this, teachers play a very important for the child’s development. So, this study determined the Daycare teachers’ lived experiences and explored how these contribute to the children’s learning outcomes. It employed the descriptive research design and made use of simple random sampling. Statistical tools were used such as: mean, standard deviation, T-test and F-test and Regression analysis. Researchers-made questionnaire was utilized, which passed the ethical guidelines and various methods of validation. Findings revealed that Daycare teachers’ lived experiences are ‘Above Average’ in Curriculum Activities and ‘Exemplary’ in the Teaching-Learning Experiences, while the learners’ learning outcomes are ‘Average’. The simple linear regression results show that the teachers’ lived experiences in the Curriculum Activities and Teaching-Learning Experiences significantly justify learners’ learning outcomes. Furthermore, Daycare teachers have crucial role in the decision-making process of the curriculum and achieving quality of learning. Hence, Daycare teachers should participate in future curriculum development meetings, implementation, and evaluation processes.
Keywords: Lived experiences, lived curriculum, early childhood education, daycare