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The Role of Gratitude in Psychological Well-Being across Gender and Educational Strands

Mary Rachelle R Wapaño1, Laira Dee A Baroquillo,,
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan
Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines



This study utilizes a quantitative approach to examine the impact of gratitude on psychological well-being across respondents of different genders and educational backgrounds. The research methodology employed is correlational and descriptive. Data was gathered from 164 participants with the use of the Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6) and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21). The study began with conducting a descriptive analysis to estimate the distribution of gratitude. This was followed by performing correlational analysis and multiple regression to investigate the association between gratitude and well-being. The findings demonstrate a strong inverse relationship between gratitude scores and DASS-21 outcomes, highlighting gratitude as a valid indicator of psychological well-being across many demographic groups. Cultural and experiential characteristics, rather than gender or educational level, appeared to have an impact on the differences in how gratitude is expressed. The study’s methodology, which utilizes self-report measures, has several limitations. To address these limitations, future research should adopt a longitudinal strategy and employ different data-gathering methods. The findings underscore the significance of gratitude in fostering psychological well-being, emphasizing its capacity as a moral gauge, motivator, and enforcer in social settings. This emphasizes the importance of gratitude in promoting communal unity and personal well-being, underlining its value in academic discourse on happiness. Considering the increasing worldwide prevalence of mental health issues, these observations provide significant viewpoints on the cultural dynamics of gratitude and its potential application in educational and therapeutic environments.

Keywords: Gratitude, psychological well-being, gender, educational strands

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