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Validation and Utilization of the Contextualized Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction (DRRR) Modules

Jean T. Loquillano1, Joel D. Potane2, Laverne L. Mercado3
Department of Education Basic Education Researchers123
Division of Cagayan de Oro,

Cagayan de Oro City,





The Philippines suffers from a multitude of deadly natural disasters because it is located along the Pacific Ring of Fire. Basic education advocates environmental awareness at all levels which cover learners’ understanding and sensitivity to the environment and environmental challenges. The study focused on how DRRR modules were validated by experts and how teachers were able to successfully implement them in their classrooms. The research was descriptive involving both qualitative and quantitative analyses. The triangulation technique was employed which utilized the evaluation tool for the modules, interview, and observations. Quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and qualitative data were coded. This involved five (5) panel experts and 47 secondary school teacher-users. Results revealed that: (1) the contextualized DRRR modules provided very adequately for content and content accuracy, clarity, and appropriateness as evaluated by the experts. The teacher-users evaluated it as very much acceptable, applicable, and useful; (2) the major themes in terms of clarity, activities and content accuracy of the modules included comprehensible vocabulary; contextualized topics/indigenized materials; informative and student-centered activities. Moreover, in terms of its usefulness, the major themes encompassed disaster preparedness; learning insights/values integration and maximizes students’ participation; (3) the predominant themes to improve the modules included the visual considerations; accessibility of materials and enhancement of the concepts and topics. Hence, this investigation explains that the contextualized DRR modules are valid, reliable, acceptable, applicable, accurate and useful as revealed from the data and major themes. Thus, there is a need for all the teachers to utilize the modules across all levels for the learners to become aware and ready during disasters thereby reducing the risk and severe impact of disasters.

Keywords: validation, utilization, DRRR, modules

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