Teachers’ Motivation, Self-Efficacy, and Competence in Teaching in an Inclusive Classroom
Mary Joy P. Cañoso, Ed.D
Guimaras State University
Buenavista, Guimaras, Philippines
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54476/ioer-imrj/004112
This study explores the profile, motivation, self-efficacy, and competence of teachers in inclusive classrooms, with a focus on how these factors vary across age, sex, educational attainment, length of service, and position. Using descriptive statistics, the study analyzed levels of motivation, self-efficacy, and competence among teachers. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed significant variations influenced by professional positions rather than demographic factors like age, sex, or length of service. Correlation analysis showed strong positive relationships between motivation, self-efficacy, and competence, underscoring the interrelated nature of these factors in fostering effective inclusive teaching practices. The findings emphasize the need for tailored professional development and support strategies, particularly for teachers in lower positions, to enhance their confidence and effectiveness in inclusive settings. Additionally, the study highlights the role of school culture and leadership in supporting teachers’ professional growth and commitment to inclusive education.
Keywords: Inclusive education, teacher motivation, self-efficacy, teacher competence, professional development, educational attainment, school culture, leadership, teacher position, demographic analysis